Saturday, September 21, 2024

MUGNA/GUGMA: The Art of Book Design

Tomorrow, September 22, all roads lead to the National Museum of the Philippines – Bohol, for the MUGNA/GUGMA workshop, to be the participated by 30 experienced Boholano artists with a keen interest in the art of book design. 
In this art talk/sharing, participants will witness a sampling of the oeuvres of Felix Mago Miguel, which presents his own discoveries and explorations as an artist elevating his art out of obscurity and positioning Philippine design on the center stage.
Felix Mago Miguel's status and accomplishments as an artist, designer, and illustrator speak volumes of his inexhaustible passion and talent. 

Having lived in Bohol for almost 20 years with his wife, Amel, and their five children, Felix, as his family and fellows fondly call him - is dedicated to selflessly imparting his experience and expertise to aspiring local artists in the Philippines, especially here in Bohol. In fact, earlier this year, he led a successful two-day workshop on Illustrating Children’s Books. 
"The journey of ideas into our minds through books is not merely a leap from the author to the reader. To reach the reader, the ideas ride a vehicle and that vehicle is “design”.
It is a vehicle purposed to be invisible, but in this seemingly inconspicuous vehicle is the artist's hand. And Felix Mago Miguel is that." says  Neil Gerard P. Reyes, Information Officer II, ODVNM (BoAMSO)
This whole-day, free activity is made possible with the support of the Provincial Government of Bohol’s Center for Culture and Arts Development (PGBH-CCAD), through the Bohol Arts and Cultural Heritage Council (BACH). 

Participants and observers alike can discover and explore the essentials of book design, guided by an expert and professional artist, who generously imparts practical design tools and techniques. 

What’s only required is an eager heart, ready to learn and engage. The activity also serves as a platform for them to collaborate and possibly work together, adding more relevance and value.

As an educational institution of the government committed to promoting inclusive education, expression, and enjoyment, the MUGNA/GUGMA workshop is among the numerous public programs the National Museum of the Philippines has set before 2024 ends. 

MUGNA is the Cebuano word that means to “create, produce, or design”; GUGMA, on the other hand, is “love”. NMP remains faithful to upholding love for our heritage and helping hone the knowledge and skills of Filipinos to create world-class designs toward a progressive and sustainable future minds through books is not merely a leap from the author to the reader. 

The interactive art talk & sharing is open to participants, observers & enthusiasts from 9 am to 5 pm. So see you all! 

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