Two days from now, TBTK, the triennial gathering of Boholanos from around the world, will formally open and for the next few days, participants will have the opportunity to reconnect & renew their ties with their home province Bohol
This is TBTK's sixth edition since it debuted in 1999. The inaugural edition was followed in 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012 & 2015
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Dr. Nicanor "Nick" Kamantigue Lopez The Father of TBTK |
TBTK is not an umbrella organization that would gather Boholano organizations under its fold neither does it exist as a regular socio-civic organization. Rather, TBTK works as a steering committee that would handle activities related to the international homecoming and reunion of Boholanos.
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kudos to the tireless & dedicated organizers Venue: Saya's Restaurant |
TBTK is loosely translated as "A Gathering of Boholanos from all over the world"
Involved Organizations:
• Confederation of Boholanos, United States and Canada, Inc. (CONBUSAC)
• Bohol Association of Metro Manila, Inc. (BAMMI)
• Boholano Organizations from other Countries
• Boholano Organizations from Philippine Provinces
• Provincial Government of Bohol
• City Government of Tagbilaran
• Diocese of Tagbilaran
• Diocese of Talibon
During the sixth biennial CONBUSAC convention, held in Houston, Texas, the then Governor Rene Relampagos, as an invited guest, took the opportunity to invite the CONBUSAC to hold its Seventh Biennial Convention in Tagbilaran City.
Seeing the convention as a venue where the showcase province can be presented, the Bohol officials at that time, headed by Governor Rene Lopez Relampagos, laid out the much-needed base for the convention to materialize.
On the part of the CONBUSAC, the plan was finalized when a cultural and investment group led by Gov. Rene Relampagos and a select Bando-Bandilyo Bol-anon was sent to the USA in early 1999. This sealed the agreement for the Boholanos to come home and re-experience Bohol. The Tigum Bol-anon sa Tibuok Kalibutan (TBTK), a global convention of Boholanos surfaced from that trip.
"The TBTK is also seen as the retracing of the roots of Boholanos who have long left the land and are now bound on that long journey towards home." Presenting Bohol now is a rather challenging job, especially when the province has just completed its initial steps in batting for a showcase of its tourist spots, preserved traditions, historic landmarks, beaches, dive spots, diverse flora and fauna, unique landforms, and daily unfolding of the arts. "Set in the background of revelry for the Sandugo season and the heat of the Medical and Surgical Mission, the TBTK is now a month-long showcase celebrating the Boholano culture."
TBTK: A Phenomenon Whose Time Has Come
Like most everything about it, the acronym developed and evolved naturally, by itself, taking an identity of its own then catapulting itself onto the global arena by the sheer force of its self-propelled dynamism and the amorous embrace of its subjects-cum proponents.
That is TBTK - Tigum Bol-anon sa Tibuok Kalibutan. Translated into English, literally or otherwise - a gathering of Boholanos from around the world. But more than a gathering - TBTK is an abstract, more of a movement, but still , a movement still suggests something more physical.
Intrinsically, TBTK is a state of mind. A phenomenon whose time has come.
TBTK was spawned by the convergence of likeminded province mates and their offsprings who have expatriated themselves from Bohol to all parts of the globe.
This dispersal provided a breeding ground for staying in touch - a desire driven by the cohesive nature of the Boholano - for isn't it said often enough that every natural born Boholano knows, really knows every other Boholano?
And here we are, more than three years and hundreds of local reunions, parties, balls and meetings later, TBTK is alive and well and living in every Boholano expatriate's heart. Waiting to spring into the next TBTK - in July, 2015 in Bohol.
You can wait … but better still - dwell in the gathering anticipation that is sure to build into a crescendo and bask in its euphoric realm.
Mamauli ta sa Bohol ! It's an event one should not miss.
Calling All Boholano Organizations
§ Circulo Boholano of Illinois
§ Bohol Association of Calgary
§ Bohol Foundation, British Columbia
§ Lila Community in British Columbia
§ Bohol Association of Canada
§ Edmonton Boholano Cultural Association
§ Tagbilaran Association of Northern California
§ Boholanos of Southern California
§ Tagbilaranon of Eastern USA
§ Tagbilaran Association of Southern California, Inc.
§ Boholanos of Las Vegas, Nevada
§ Bohol Association of Washington State
§ Bohol Association of Texas, Inc.
§ Sandugo of Texas
§ Bol-anon sa Michigan
§ Sano of Texas
§ Bohol Circle, Eastern USA
§ Sandugo USA
§ Ang Kaliwat Bolanon sa Florida
§ Bohol Association of Metro Manila Incorporated (BAMMI)
§ Kaliwat Bol-anon sa Lanao Ug Iligan (KABOLIG)
§ Kaliwat Bol-anon sa Australia, Incorporated (KABAI)
§ Tigom Bol anon Tibuok Kuwait
Credits: Fr. Fernando Po
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